
BussSuccessAcademy is the heart of Learning and Development operated by Buss exclusively for our BussAssociates. We owned several fully equipped learning centers supported by highly qualified Trainers and Consultants.

BussSuccessAcademy is committed to provide quality training programs. We utilize BussAmdes and BussSeeSystems as the basic foundation for our learning and development. External Consultants are periodically engaged to provide and assist in specialized and sophisticated training.


Basic Learning and Development programs are carefully selected and re-tailored to fit the needs of the participants. We emphasized and ensured our programs are both practical and effective.

Learning and Development basic programs are divided into 3 major categories. The syllabuses include:


Provide participants the opportunity to explore, discover and apply the strength of the mind


Provide participants the opportunity to acquire new knowledge


Provide participants various skills and tools to succeed in this business


Buss recognized the need to provide specialized learning and development programs to enhance our BussAssociates. The programs will enable them to compete successfully and provide experts solution for their customers.

Specialized and sophisticated learning and development programs are provided to help our BussAssociates. They are:


Invite aspiring entrepreneurs to attend and experience our new millennium business opportunity firsthand.


Provide participants an opportunity to rediscover one self and learn new tools to adjust and achieve better result.


Introduce participants to Self-awareness, Leadership and Teamwork. The program prepares future leaders for the new millennium business.


Introduce participants to Strategic Thinking and how to use strategy to excel in this business.

Sales Tools

BussSuccessAcademy provides a whole range of attractive and practical tools to support our BussAssociates business activities.

In order to reinforce our activities we have included:

  • Newsletters
  • Quotation Programs
  • Books
  • Posters
  • Sales Kits
  • Brochures
  • DVD
  • VCD
  • Tapes
  • Gift Item