Systems - AMDES

Practical, successful ideas, habits, actions and behaviors from renowned practitioners within the Asian Region were carefully and systematically gathered over a period of time. Buss has successfully documented these collections resulting in Buss Systems.

BussSystems are divided into 2 major components, namely - the BussAmdes and BussSeeSystems. BussAmdes embodies the overall learning and development structure while BussSeeSystems provides in-depth explanation into the business philosophy, culture and practices.


BussAmdes is designed based on 5 critical and fundamental strategies. These strategies are instrumental to the development of a successful distribution business. The strategies are-

  • Philosophy, Culture and Process
  • Distribution Structure and Compensation Strategy
  • Product and Sales Methodology Strategy
  • Business Expansion Strategy
  • Learning and Development Strategy

Systems - SEE Systems

Practical, successful ideas, habits, actions and behaviors from renowned practitioners within the Asian Region were carefully and systematically gathered over a period of time. Buss has successfully documented these collections resulting in BussSystems.


BussSeeSystems is our core operating philosophy, culture and practices. BussSeeSystems constantly remind us to keep our action Simple, Easy and Effective. We encourage “Going back to basic” and building a strong foundation to ensure sustainable long-term success.

Highlights of BussSeeSystems philosophy, culture and practices includes the following:

Business not a Career

Buss offers aspiring entrepreneurs an opportunity to develop and operate his/her own business professionally and profitably. An entrepreneur paradigm is mandatory and a key prerequisite to succeed in this business.

4 T’s Principles

BussSeeSystems fundamental values and principles are founded on the 4 Ts.

T Transparent and Truth
T Trustworthy
T Team-work wins
T Transfer of Technology using "Replication Process"

Buss SeeSystems teaches us to use the “Law of Replication” and not to reinvent the wheels. We take the best and chuck away the rest. Our success lies in an effective documentation of Buss Amdes and in our ability to LEARN

L Learn from the best
E Ensure the facts are correct and documented
A Always break it down systematically to small parts (make it easy)
R Remember to do it personally and succeed
N Next person must receive and succeed

You win – I Win

BussSeeSystems compensation formula is specifically tailored to encourage and reward Team-work. BussPartners and BussFinancialConsultants who practice “The more you give – the more you get” consistently and persistently receive higher financial rewards. Individuals or groups with high teamwork expand their distribution network and business more rapidly.

Buss 5 Years Financial Plan

BussSeeSystems offers a simple, easy, effective and proven Buss 5 Years Financial Plan that helped thousands of serious entrepreneurs achieve uncommon income, luxurious lifestyle and financial independence.